Friday, September 19, 2014

Week of September 22nd

We will spend the week of September 22nd in our computer lab again. 3rd graders will learn their user names and passwords to log onto our computers. We will have a discussion about why we have user names and passwords and the importance of keeping that information private. 
4th and 5th graders will log on to the computers and into their Google accounts. I will be teaching them how to make word clouds at and linking this to their Google accounts. 
Recap from last week: 
1. We have a new display that we will change monthly. We are starting a "author spotlight" display. Our Panther readers can read a short bio about our selected author and check out books by that author. Our first author is Andrew Clements. 

We stared a new center last week called book recommendations. Students can sit down and write some information about a favorite book that they would recommend to someone and share why they liked it. Here are a few great recommendations! 

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